Interesting Facts about Celtic Christianity
1) The
practice of Lent originated in the Gallican Church in
the 4th century and was later adopted by Rome. It was a
40 day period of fasting that can be traced to the
writings of St. Irenaeus,
a student of Polycarp who in turn had been a student
of St. John. The idea was to prepare candidates for
baptism by fasting as Jesus had fasted in the
wilderness in preparation of His ministry. In the
Gallican and Celtic churches Lent begins on Monday and
not Ash Wednesday.
Bishops could be consecrated with only one bishop
present, instead of the three required in the Roman
Church. In most ordinations it was not uncommon for
more than one bishop to be present. Abbots
sometimes passed their succession on one on one to their son or
The Celtic Churches had two altars (Gildas’ writings
describe this as do St. Adamnan’s), one in the far east
end of the church and one in the front of the church.
The one in the east was a larger alter and known as
the Heavenly altar (representing worship in heaven).
The other one was known as the Jerusalem or worship
altar (representing Jesus’ life on earth). Early
Christians were Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah, so
they adopted Jewish liturgical forms of worship and modeled
the early churches after synagogues. Hence the two altars
are representative of the Tabernacle and the Ark in Old
Testament worship. The liturgy begins with the priest
facing the rear altar with his back to the
congregation. This recalls worship in the temple with
the priest before the tabernacle. “David left Zadok
the priest and his fellow priests before the tabernacle
of the LORD at the high place in Gibeon” (1 Chronicles
The Celtic Church was strongly Trinitarian. It was
the only church that prayed to the Father, the Son and
to the Holy Spirit. There were also some liturgical
prayers to Michael the Archangel.
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