Monday, May 27, 2013

Peter Maurin's Reading List

The following books were recommended 
repeatedly by Peter Maurin in reading 
lists appended to his essays.

  1. Art in a Changing Civilization, Eric Gill
  2. Bourgeois Mind, The, Nicholas Berdyaev
  3. Brotherhood Economics, Toyohiko Kagawa
  4. Charles V , Wyndham Lewis
  5. Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism, Amintore Fanfani
  6. Christianity and Class War, Nicholas Berdyaev
  7. Church and the Land, The, Father Vincent McNabb, O.P.
  8. Discourse on Usury, Thomas Wilson
  9. Emancipation of a Free Thinker, The, Herbert E. Cory
  10. Enquiries Into Religion and Culture, Christopher Dawson
  11. Fields, Factories and Workshops, Peter Kropotkin
  12. Fire on the Earth, Paul Hanly Furfey
  13. Flight From the City, The, Ralph Borsodi
  14. Franciscan Message to the World, The, Father Agostino Gemelli, F.M.
  15. Freedom in the Modern World, Jacques Maritain
  16. Future of Bolshevism, The, Waldemar Gurian
  17. Guildsman's Interpretation of History, A, Arthur Penty
  18. Great Commandment of the Gospel, The, His Excellency A. G. Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the U. S.
  19. Ireland and the Foundation of Europe, Benedict Fitzpatrick
  20. I Take My Stand, by Twelve Southern Agrarians
  21. Land of the Free, The, Herbert Agar
  22. Lord of the World, Robert Hugh Benson
  23. Making of Europe, The, Christopher Dawson
  24. Man the Unknown, Dr. Alexis Carrel
  25. Nations Can Stay at Home, B. O. Wilcox
  26. Nazareth or Social Chaos, Father Vincent McNabb, O.P.
  27. Our Enemy the State, Albert Jay Nock
  28. Outline of Sanity, G. K. Chesterton
  29. Personalist Manifesto, Emmanuel Mounier
  30. Philosophy of Work, A, Etienne Borne
  31. Post-Industrialism, Arthur Penty
  32. Progress and Religion, Christopher Dawson
  33. Religion and the Modern State, Christopher Dawson
  34. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, R. H. Tawney
  35. Revolution Personnaliste et Communautaire (La), Emmanuel Mounier
  36. Saint Francis of Assisi, G. K. Chesterton
  37. Social Principles of the Gospel, Alphonse Lugan
  38. Soviet Man Now, Helen Iswolsky
  39. Temporal Regime and Liberty, Jacques Maritain
  40. Theory of the Leisure Class, The, Thorstein Veblen
  41. Thomistic Doctrine of the Common Good, The, Seraphine Michel
  42. Things That Are Not Caesar's, Jacques Maritain
  43. Toward a Christian Sociology, Arthur Penty
  44. True Humanism, Jacques Maritain
  45. Two Nations, The, Christopher Hollis
  46. Unfinished Universe, The, T. S. Gregory
  47. Valerian Persecution, The, Father Patrick Healy
  48. What Man Has Made of Man, Mortimer Adler
  49. Work and Leisure, Eric Gill

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